Join us for monthly workshops
Join us for monthly workshops •••
The practice of human becoming;
awakening connections within and with others.
Our Story
The Center for Biography and Social Art began germinating many years ago. Seeds were gathered from distances of space and time, sometimes consciously, sometimes by apparent serendipity. Now the garden is blooming with vibrant colors, an abundance of forms, and rich scents. There is a winding path through the flowers and I find myself now, in the spring of 2011, resting on a bench pondering how this garden came to be. The story could be told from many points of view; this is mine.
Our Mission and Vision
The Mission of The Center for Biography and Social Art celebrates the threefold human being —body, soul and spirit; encourages reverence for the uniqueness of every life journey; illuminates the mysteries of human life in earthly gesture and spiritual depth; and practices authentic human encounter.
Diversity & Inclusion
The work of the Center for Biography and Social Art is grounded in the belief that every person is a reflection of the universal human spirit and is equally worthy of value, respect, and the ability to seek truth and be heard. Biography and social art work is enriched through the participation of individuals from diverse backgrounds, who contribute to a fuller understanding of what it means to be human. We see in each individual a higher Self aspiring toward self-development that is independent of social categories such as gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and financial status.
Our Center
Biography and social art activities serve as core practices for cultivating the ideals of compassion, understanding, and genuine interest which, in turn, radiate out to generate a more equitable and loving future. The Center for Biography and Social Art catalyzes community through three primary activities:

Biography Social Art Certificate Program
10th Cycle begins November 2025
The Biography and Social Art Certificate Program is a unique, part-time training for individuals interested in bringing new imaginations for what it means to be human. Practicing social artistry in our human encounters, along with inner work, is the preparation for leading others toward new possibilities of connecting with life in richer and more meaningful ways.
Awakening Connections; Creating Community
Community Building for Schools and Anthroposophical Groups
New workshop: Creating Community In person or on Zoom
Awakening Connections: Creating Community is a program now in its eighth year of working with school communities and Anthroposophical groups that supports healthy social environments for the future. We aim to strengthen community by exploring together themes of growth, development, and metamorphosis. This work engages thinking, feeling and willing.
Monthly Public Workshops
Public workshops, now held on Zoom are a wonderful way to get a taste of what Biography and Social Art is all about – or to dip in regularly to the magic that happens when we have true encounters with others. They are led by many different practitioners in their own unique way of working.
Monthly Public Online Workshops
Sponsored by CBSA
March 2025 Public Workshop: A Room of One’s Own
with Diane Piette
Sunday March 23, 2025
2:00 - 4:00 pm ET
Cost: $25.00 - $100.00
Now Registering!
April 2025 Public Workshop: Introduction in Autobiographical Writing • Your stories tell you who you are
with Yvonne Meesters
Sunday, April 13 , 2025
1:00 - 4:00 pm ET (3 hours)
Cost: $25.00 - $100.00
Now Registering!
Love is higher than opinion.
Love is higher than opinion. If people love one another, the most varied opinions can be reconciled — thus, one of the most important tasks for humankind today and in the future is that we should learn to live together and understand one another.
~ Rudolf Steiner