Awakening Connections • Creating Community

A Community Building-Professional Development Program for Waldorf Schools in North America
Awakening Connections; Creating Community is a unique three-part program for Waldorf school communities in the United States, Mexico and Canada. During three in-person sessions, faculty, staff, parents, and board members are invited to meet one another as human beings outside of their roles in the schools. Working with Biography and Social Art creates a foundation to enter into the challenging issues of our times.
This year-round program helps foster a new imagination for a community through the exploration of life phases. We use artistic and imaginative exercises to open up biographical experiences related to the overall theme. We practice listening deeply, while observing confidentiality with each other.
It is a time for renewal, rebuilding our strength and connecting with the wellspring of the spirit within us all.
Financial aid is available for qualifying schools.
Creating Community: a New Biography and Social Art Workshop
An Opportunity for Your Community:
*to remember and enliven love for the school community
*to create and strength community bonds
*to recognize and meet the challenges of our times
Sign up now for this workshop that brings everyone together to awaken the importance of community. *Booking for one workshop required by June 2025 for the 1/2 cost fee of : 2 hours $150; 3 hours $225; 4 hours $300. email: to register.
Biography of a School
‘In creating a school, we are indeed creating a living being, whose destiny may be unknown to us, but which requires our love and ongoing commitment to flourish.’
-Christopher Schaefer
Experience the very being of your school as we gather the events, people, thresholds, and turning points from the moment the school was an idea, to opening the door to families, to the present time. A vision for the future will also be explored.
Financial aid is available for qualifying schools.
Individual Workshops / Talleres Individuales
for Waldorf Schools and Anthroposophical Groups in North America
It is a time for renewal, rebuilding our strength and connecting with the wellspring of the spirit within each and every one of us. Biography is a road to the inner work essential to our communities. Various themes are offered to deepen understanding and experience what it means to be human. Together, through this work we can help each other rise to the challenges of the times.
These workshops (via zoom or in- person) are designed to offer social and spiritual support to groups of individuals, those involved in independent and public Waldorf Schools and Anthroposophical groups. We use artistic and imaginative exercises to open up biographical experiences related to the overall theme that was selected.
We practice listening deeply, while also observing confidentiality with each other. Each workshop accommodates up to 23 participants on Zoom. Numbers are not limited for in-person workshops with the facilitator. Each workshop can take place over 2, 3 or 4 hours, depending on what works for your community.
Examples of Workshop Themes
The Heart of Listening
Finding Common Ground
Looking through the Lens of Temperaments
Finding Sources for Strength and Courage
Reflections from Participants
“It made a difference to enter into a working community feeling connected, after our work together”.
“Space opened up for empathy after hearing each other’s dreams and struggles”.
“Through these authentic meetings we recognized a thread running through our lives that brought us together as a school community”.
Participating Schools:
USA, Mexico and Canada
Program: Berkley Rose Waldorf School * Highland Hall Waldorf School * River Valley Waldorf School * Cincinnati Waldorf School * Tucson Waldorf School * Portland Waldorf School * Minnesota Waldorf School * Detroit Waldorf School * Atlanta Waldorf School * Cuernavaca Waldorf School * Proyecto Educative Zubuya * Escuela Ak Lu’um * Aurora Waldorf School * Whidbey Island Waldorf School * Live Oak Waldorf School * Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School.
Workshops: Escuela Garcia, Arbol de Vida, Escuela AkLu'um * Yemaya * Comunidad Educativa Calli * Escuela Amtantolli * Yecaan Colegio Waldorf * Waldorf Baaxal * Petit Prince * Escuela Aurora * Escuela Libre Kenendarhu * Escuela Waldorf de Guadalajara
River Song * Housatonic * Green Meadow * Brooklyn * Saratoga Springs * Mountain Top * Aurora * Ithica * Meadowbrooke * Orchard Valley * Cincinnati * Ashville * Honolulu * Haleakala * Malamalama * Apple Blossom * Madrona * Steiner School * Prairie Moon * Washington Waldorf * Lexington * Moraine Farm * Hawthorne Valley * Manzanita * Orange County * Mendocino * Camellia.
London Waldorf * Squamish * Waldorf Academy * South Shore * Halton * Mulberry * Trillium * Okanagan.